Mariposa Photography By Michelle Weisenberg

"Providing Quality Images at Affordable Prices"

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A {True} Love Story

Wow! A whole year since I last blogged?? I really need to get my booty into gear and update more often. Clearly.

Anyways, the reason behind wanting to update this blog is for me to tell you all a special story about one of my favorite couples on the planet.
I got an email several months ago from a good friend telling me about a couple looking to get their family portraits done with their 2 Jack Russell Terriers. Having owned 2 JRT's myself I knew it was going to be a fun session so I contacted them right away and we set a date to take the photos. Never did I know that a simple session would blossom into a friendship that I will cherish forever.

Remember this session?

Great looking couple and adorable pups, no? I knew you'd agree :)

Scott and Charlene have been through many struggles over the last year. You see, Scott was diagnosed with Esophageal Cancer last summer and, as you can imagine, their life has never been the same. Scott has had to endure several tests, treatments and surgeries over the last year and unfortunately it wasn't enough to stop or slow down the nasty, disgusting and most hated disease from taking over his entire body. Almost every trip to the doctors office has been devastating for them.... "The scan is showing new masses", "the cancer has spread to another organ", "Scott only has a few months to live" "The cancer has taken over his body".... Things NOBODY ever wants to hear.

Yet through it all, the love Scott and Charlene have for each other hasn't faded one bit. From the many times I've talked to Char, she always gushes like a school girl talking about "her guy", "her knight in shining armor", her "soul mate" that is Scott. We've shared many tears but have also laughed several times when she has shared their story with me. It's the kind of love and adoration that many people wish they could have. 

Having to face the reality of the situation, both Scott & Char both know that Scott does not have much time left on this earth. He recently decided to cease all chemotherapy treatments. But it's not because he's giving in, it is so he can live out his time here not feeling sick and exhausted every day. He wants to spend the time adoring his wife, sitting with his beloved dogs and enjoying time with his grandchildren. 

A few weeks ago, when I was visiting Scott and Char, it made my heart ache to even mention it but I suggested that we take some photos of them together that she could cherish forever. We both knew if we waited any longer, we would regret it and it wasn't something either of us could stomach.

We were able to find a time when Scott was having a good day and had to wait for the weather to clear but we got these precious photos taken. Per Scott's request we took some "sweetheart" photos because he wanted to show the world just home much he loves and adores his wife. Again, we shared tears and laughs and my heart was full when I left that park. It didn't ache which is usually the case whenever I leave their home. 

Like I said, I've only known Scott & Char for a few months but it feels like I've known them my whole life. The have taught me so much about faith, strength, determination and how strong true love can be through any obstacle you are faced with. I wish I could have gotten to know them sooner and, of course, under different circumstances. We don't have a business relationship, we have become great friends and I feel very blessed to have them both in my life. They both know they have my heart, my thoughts and my friendship during these difficult times. 

So, with that I present you with some lovely photos of this fabulous couple! 

I love you Scott & Charlene! 

(For more photos please visit my FB page here: Facebook Fan Page)